Tips for Using Your Costco Executive Membership Benefits

An Executive Membership offers several benefits such as an annual 2% Reward (up to $1,250),* discounts on Costco Services and a subscription to the Costco Connection magazine. Let’s take a look at how to make the most of your Costco Executive Membership.

Earn an annual 2% reward

From the day you first use your Executive Membership, your qualified purchases start building toward your annual 2% Reward. Each year you can earn up to $1,250 on qualified purchases at Costco warehouses, and Costco Travel.*

Save on Costco services

Your Executive Membership includes more than just the 2% Reward, as Costco members have access to a wide variety of services for both home and business. These services include:

  • The Costco Auto Program: Looking to purchase a new or used vehicle? The Costco Auto Program skips the irritating process of haggling for a low price by providing prearranged Member-only pricing, plus receiving the eligible manufacturer incentives available.
  • Bottled Water Delivery: Costco members get exclusive pricing on water delivery through Primo Water. Whether you want purified or alkaline water, you have options for your home or business.
  • Savings on payment processing: Executive Members can waive application and statement fees while saving an average of $1,574 per year1 through Elavon payment processing services.

Get extra benefits for Costco Travel products

Costco Travel is available to both Gold Star and Executive Members, but only Executive Members will earn the annual 2% Reward for qualified travel purchases. Additionally, they can earn exclusive extras on eligible travel packages. Services include hotel booking, car rentals, cruises and vacation packages. 

1Estimated savings are calculated on annual processing rates and are based on Elavon's analysis of The Strawhecker Group’s industry data survey in payment processing services as of December 2023 on net revenue from merchants of a similar size and type compared to the portfolio. Actual savings will depend on business type, card type, and manner of card acceptance and volume of transactions. Non-Executive Members pay an Application Fee and Monthly Statement Fees. Services provided by Elavon.

Disclosure: This article is for educational purposes. It is not intended to provide legal, investment, or financial advice and is not a substitute for professional advice. It does not indicate the availability of any Citi product or service. For advice about your specific circumstances, you should consult a qualified professional.

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